
Why should a woman peep from the four walls?

The World has changed a lot. Technology has made world closer and people far away have actually come closer, communicating with each other without fear of barriers or restrictions of any kind. If such is the growth of the world today, why is it so that majority of women still feel insecure and lonely within the four walls? This is a question which is looked upon with surprise by most of the people of metropolitan cities or even western countries. But as a matter of fact, there are people round the globe, especially women, who are not allowed to even think out of the four walls.

It is a Man’s world, as many say, but what is a woman for? Is she still looked down upon as a shadow of man, whose life has begun from the rib of man? I still feel that the world has a long way to go, and make women in this world rise up to the new world that is free of barriers and restrictions, a world full of freedom and happiness that a man enjoys today. Personally speaking, I do not have any grudges against the male community. But yes I often feel jealous of them, when they get to enjoy most of the good things in life, which we women are deprived of.

This blog is a small effort from my part, to convey what I have understood from the world outside my four walls. There can be things that took me by surprise, things that impressed me a lot and whatever I feel I need to share with others. I would love to share my experience through this blog, and make my world open up before you.

Being a woman brought up in a country like India, I know very well what it feels when you are now allowed to enjoy the joys, risks or even sorrows a man has undergone in this world.  A woman’s world does not limit within the four walls. She has to rise up and soar up in the sky for “She Has the Right to Go Hand In Hand with Her Male Counterpart”.

I believe, that when a door closes, you are offered a window that will lend you a hand in allowing you to reach out to yet another opportunity. I henceforth do believe that women without freedom too can rise up, “IF” they prefer to.
Dream high, Dream Big, Dream as if no one else had ever dreamt of. When you dream big, try to put in good amount of effort to put that dream come to pass. And I believe that nothing will be impossible, even the chains that have held you tight for years, for holding back from reaching your goals in life. Dreams should be your eternal food for happiness, and they should be the reason for your constant effort to reach out to a new world that is totally your’s alone.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations & Best Wishes to this blog....
