
Restrictions on Arms For a Better and Peaceful Society

Guns are not a necessity in the society we live in. All we need for the younger generation and the generations to come is a peaceful society without any violence.(It does affect the Second Amendment.) This dream of ours is only possible when people come forward to work for this cause. Each and every individual in this world must be aware of the situation where guns are available without any strict procedure and how much chaos we need to face each day of our lives.The sad part is that in some parts of the world, people get access to guns pretty easily than basic necessities.

If we think of why the world leaders keep their mouths shut on the issue related to Arms trade, we need to understand that putting a curb on arms trade will cut off the profit that their countries are getting. Though more and more people come forward to work on a cause to control arms trade to the world, we find that due to the reason that large developing nations gain an income that is pretty handsome, measures for such a control is put into a pending position.

In most of the war prone countries, the access to a hi-tech rifle like AK47 is possible with ease than getting pure drinking water, as per the famous humanitarian, doctor and writer, Samantha Nutt, who has spend a fair share of her life in war prone area in Somalia, Baidoa, which the journalists refer to as the "City of Deaths." According to Nutt, even small kids who are of eight years of age get access of guns there. This is a shocking fact. We need to think on how fast the world is moving towards a situation where there is no value for the lives of humans.

When a major share of people in the world are not aware of this fact and tend to enjoy their lives and complain on things that are not of any importance, the people in war prone areas suffer the affects of arms in a very bad manner. What we need in this world are healthy kids, good and peaceful environment for everyone to survive and freedom that gives every human being to live in harmony. 

Providing the right food and services to those countries that suffer from war, natural disasters, famine or similar issues is a real necessity. There are places in the world where people find it difficult to find a square meal. Instead of focusing on providing guns and building up the economy, the rich countries must try to take it as a mission to bring peace and security all round the world.

For bringing a restriction in small arms trade, there should be strict procedures like signing the Arms Trade Treaty. President Obama has signed the Arms Trade Treaty, since the United States is the largest arms exporting country in the world. Unfortunately, this did not get its effect as the Senate has still not approved this.

When we hear about kids using guns at school, we have to understand that fact that they have loaded guns in their bag packs only because the adults at home purchase them. Violence with guns can be prevented if the supply goes down and only the ones in need get them. Yes, guns are necessary for peace keeping. But when they are at the right hands. If every civilian is getting access to a gun, then it is never possible for us to see a world that is safe for our children!!