

Chaos is all around us. We do think that it is something around us. But the real chaos lies inside us. That is but the true fact. Every one of us has a chaotic mind full of thoughts, worries, plans and what not. Though our faces seem to be calm and composed, we are really struggling hard to keep ourselves upright, which to a certain extent is successful from the outside. But from the inside we are all in a state that no one can even imagine.

The real reason why most of us are disturbed and full of confusion is thinking about the negatives in our lives and also the things that we are not able to achieve at all. The best thing to do is to have peace with our mind and work for our goals. Though this is all easy to say, the best solution that is available is always to "Keep Calm and Work Hard". 

Majority of us like to gain the good side of life, particularly victory, success and money just by sitting on a couch and thinking endlessly on our losses. This can only worsen the chaos inside the mind. It can create lots of harm to our mind and to an extent to our bodies too. 

Calm up all your worries and think that all of the success and life's goals are all man-made. To make a mark in this world, we do need to work hard. But this should not always make our minds chaotic and filled with confusion that can do harm to the mind's balance. 

Never think that nothing is possible. Make your mind understand that even if things do not work out well, you can survive as a winner. If you keep chaos out of your mind and make the situations around you fill with positive vibes, you sure are going to win in life and keep all chaos from your mind, and your life too.


Are you updated?

Yes, the topic is all about an updated version of you of what is happening around the world. Getting updated on current affairs is a strength that can make you achieve self confidence and also to stay away from those who tend to cheat you.

Is reading and watching latest news still a trend among common people? This question is really thought provoking as the majority of the masses prefer to choose entertainment and work over current affairs. It is also a sad realization that the youngsters are too busy with their gadgets rather than getting themselves know more about the world they live in.

Why is Current affairs important?

Current affairs is a mixture of latest news, great awareness on the world and its happenings. It is extremely important as it is related to our day to day life. it covers topics that are under the sun including politics, business, technology, the entertainment world, money, sports, employment, and more.

Living in this world where there is a hike of price in day to day commodities and food, it is very essential to get updated now and then. Rise in price of petrol and even onions do affect our lives to the core.

While in a group, discussing on various topics do make us knowledgeable. But if you are the one who is just the listener and you let others do the talking, you will be obviously considered ignorant. Such a situation can push others to cheat you. So as to avoid such a situation, it is always better to stay updated and get protected.

Current affairs can help you more than your text books at school. It can help you reach heights and pass interviews without any difficulty. But how can we get latest news without any fail?

Getting into Current Affairs

It is not much difficult to know about current affairs. All you need to do is read a lot, view a lot and understand a lot. Reading newspapers regularly, especially daily will help you know what is happening around the world. If you want a detailed knowledge of a particular topic, you can just watch the news. Scrolling over the internet news too can give you a lot of information which you cannot even imagine. Get yourself some time to peek into the things happening around you, even while you are at work!! Too much of knowledge will never give you any harm!


Restrictions on Arms For a Better and Peaceful Society

Guns are not a necessity in the society we live in. All we need for the younger generation and the generations to come is a peaceful society without any violence.(It does affect the Second Amendment.) This dream of ours is only possible when people come forward to work for this cause. Each and every individual in this world must be aware of the situation where guns are available without any strict procedure and how much chaos we need to face each day of our lives.The sad part is that in some parts of the world, people get access to guns pretty easily than basic necessities.

If we think of why the world leaders keep their mouths shut on the issue related to Arms trade, we need to understand that putting a curb on arms trade will cut off the profit that their countries are getting. Though more and more people come forward to work on a cause to control arms trade to the world, we find that due to the reason that large developing nations gain an income that is pretty handsome, measures for such a control is put into a pending position.

In most of the war prone countries, the access to a hi-tech rifle like AK47 is possible with ease than getting pure drinking water, as per the famous humanitarian, doctor and writer, Samantha Nutt, who has spend a fair share of her life in war prone area in Somalia, Baidoa, which the journalists refer to as the "City of Deaths." According to Nutt, even small kids who are of eight years of age get access of guns there. This is a shocking fact. We need to think on how fast the world is moving towards a situation where there is no value for the lives of humans.

When a major share of people in the world are not aware of this fact and tend to enjoy their lives and complain on things that are not of any importance, the people in war prone areas suffer the affects of arms in a very bad manner. What we need in this world are healthy kids, good and peaceful environment for everyone to survive and freedom that gives every human being to live in harmony. 

Providing the right food and services to those countries that suffer from war, natural disasters, famine or similar issues is a real necessity. There are places in the world where people find it difficult to find a square meal. Instead of focusing on providing guns and building up the economy, the rich countries must try to take it as a mission to bring peace and security all round the world.

For bringing a restriction in small arms trade, there should be strict procedures like signing the Arms Trade Treaty. President Obama has signed the Arms Trade Treaty, since the United States is the largest arms exporting country in the world. Unfortunately, this did not get its effect as the Senate has still not approved this.

When we hear about kids using guns at school, we have to understand that fact that they have loaded guns in their bag packs only because the adults at home purchase them. Violence with guns can be prevented if the supply goes down and only the ones in need get them. Yes, guns are necessary for peace keeping. But when they are at the right hands. If every civilian is getting access to a gun, then it is never possible for us to see a world that is safe for our children!!


Maggi Maggi Maggi- Lets sing the comeback of the Noodle Giant!!

Maggi Noodles is a household name every Indian would love to hear. It is also a name that is very much nostalgic in nature to every Indian. Though the original company came from Switzerland, the name Maggi has gained pretty much popularity in India and has become a 'Desi Convenience Food.'

Every child in the 80's knew that Maggi was the one instant food that they had put their affection upon. Most of the Indians preferred Maggi noodles rather than trying their hands and taste buds on another brand. Soon by 90's when a lot of brands for noodles sprang up, Maggi still took hold of the top place.

Those of you who might have found Maggi missing in the shelves of stores for the past few months, might have known about the ban this very favorite noodles has faced recently. The Food and Safety Drug Administration (FSDA), Lucknow found out lead content as well as the presence of Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) beyond the standard levels in these noodle samples. Many states started banning the product after conducting tests on various samples. Soon the product was banned in India as a whole.

Long story short, the court has given permission for the company to conduct tests and rectify the  flaws. After conducting the tests once more in the three laboratories (NABL or National Accreditation Board for Testing Calibration Laboratories) at the Bombay High Court order, the Noodle giant has come out with flying colors clearing all hurdles. The lead content is below the permissible limits and the relaunching of Maggi Noodles has taken place two days back, (10th November, 2015). 

The Company has partnered with the online Market Snapdeal for relaunching the product through online on a Flash sale or Deal of the Day basis. The sale of Maggi on SnapDeal will commence from today, 12th of November 2015. So those of you who are eagerly waiting for the relaunch of Maggi Noodles can avail this facility right away.  

You can reach out to Snap Deal or Amazon for purchasing Maggi Noodles online. Buy from Amazon right by clicking HERE


Why WhatsApp Is My Favorite And Yours too

I still remember those days when we used to send letters to friends and relatives and wait for days and weeks for a reply. I even remember those lovely Christmas seasons when I used to sent a whole bunch of cards to everyone I know in this world and enjoy the fruits as beautiful cards in return. Today, you won’t find anyone writing letters or sending cards more often. I think these are the days of WhatsApp, and I do not mind telling the fact that WhatsApp has gracefully taken the chair of a postman.

Even in the midst of quick services like FaceBook Messenger, BBM, Skype, Google Hangouts (The once GTalk) iMessage or Line, you tend to choose WhatsApp the most, for passing a quick message to your friend, an urgent message to those at home or a reply to your client. The reason for this is quite simple. WhatsApp has got features that are easier to handle and you can pass on a message within split seconds to anyone in another corner of the world. And the highlight of this application is that it does not have any ads to irritate you. The reason why most of us reached out to WhatsApp was because it was much cheaper than text and it is free from ads. But I find it more quicker as it uses our phone number as its login id.

WhatsApp is a cross platform instant messaging app that can be used in devices for Android, iOS, Blackberry, Symbian and Windows Phone. Sorry if I missed out any. You are able to communicate with other WhatsApp users through text (That’s my favorite), images (I use it to poke my friends at the stroke of midnight), voice (not a fan of that one) and videos (Yeah! I use it often).

Today, we get all kinds of lovely, strange and funny messages right in a jiffy through this wonder app that was created years back, in 2009. It was created by Ian Koum, who is a Ukrainian immigrant in Mount View, California.

The Creator of WhatsApp, wanted to give the users of WhatsApp, the liberty to share different statuses to those in their circles. I do hate to find the status “I am busy” in any one of my friends’ status. But I do love to see a whole bunch of my favorites ready with the ‘Online’ mode. Yet another feature of WhatsApp is that you can get a look at the time your friend was online by checking the “Last seen” feature. Hey! You can even block your “Last seen” if you take a quick tour into the privacy settings. But unfortunately, you will also lose the liberty to peep into others’ “Last Seen.”

The reason why the creator of FaceBook opted to buy this “Wonder App” was because it was the most popular application that majority of people use these days. It took $19 Billion for Mark Zukerberg to get hold of the ownership of this Application, and that is $42 per active user. And I am happy to say that I am one among those active users for whom Zukerberg has invested $42 on. ;)


Bidding Farewell to My Dear Old Friend- Orkut

I still remember the good old days when social networking was new to everyone and Orkut was the shining star that linked everyone far and near. It gave a new meaning to friendship, dating, love and relationship. Everything was Orkut and everyone out there were busy scraping in Orkut. Youngsters were struggling hard to increase the number of friends in their Orkut account, and many found life partners through this social networking site.

This social networking site is owned and managed by the Google Inc. This social networking website was meant for helping people meet new friends and to maintain the ones that already existed. The site was founded by Orkut Buyukkoten, who was an employee in Google Inc. The real reason behind the finding of this networking site was to find Orkut’s lost girlfriend. He lost her girlfriend in a train accident. Since her name did not appear in the dead list, he decided to search her in his own way.

Buyukkoten became an architect and soon he started hiring developers for the purpose of making software that could help him search for his girl friend. To accomplish his dream of finding his girl friend, he had to lose millions of dollars along with 3 whole years. He was able to find out his girl friend and soon when he decided to shut down the website, the CEO of Google put in a proposal of buying this website. Soon it came out to the world with the popular name ORKUT. It did not take much time for this website to become a familiar name in every household. Buyukkoten will be getting a share of the revenue whenever a user registers to the website, adds a friend, or even log out of Orkut.

The reason why Orkut became popular then, was because it was extremely user-friendly and above all fun to use. Sharing snaps and ideas became easier with Orkut. It was thought to be a very colorful site that had the magic to draw millions of users towards it. The first year of Orkut’s launch saw the largest number of users from the United States joining the website. But soon Brazil became the country which had the largest number of users in the website.

This colorful social networking site was so powerful and innovative that a large number of users lined up to join it. The concept of sharing became a common word with the coming of Orkut. But now when it is time for this social networking to shut down forever, this September 30, I do feel a bit nostalgic and fear losing my first platform where I was reunited with my classmates and friends. Its absence will always create a great loss in the minds of Orkut Users forever. Though FaceBook has tried its level best to beat this social media networking site, the credit for bringing everyone closer together will always to my dear old friend- Orkut. I definitely will miss you a lot!


Drones- Technology that can make things easier

A male bee is termed in the English language as a “Drone”. But now if I ask anyone out there what a Drone meant, then I will be provided with a line of wonderful techy descriptions on this very word. Yes, I am talking about Drones, the Octocopters that came in news right from the year 2013. The then information about Drones was that Amazon, the leading online shopper, was about to make use of Drones or Octocopters as delivery machines. Amazon was planning to deliver the goods that were ordered by customers through these Drones.

A Drone is a small model of a helicopter, which can weigh up to 2.3 kg. Amazon was planning to deliver goods within 30 minutes after the placement of order with the help of these Drones. Within a period of five years, you will be able to find Amazon Drones buzzing here and there to deliver goods right to your door steps. It is said that U.S Federal Aviation Administration needs to give approval for the drones for the use of common man. The approval can bring about a lot of changes to the online giant Amazon and its methodologies.

While Amazon is running tests for its drones in Canada, we find Google making the next moves with drones in Australia and DHL; the German logistics company will be flying the drones right along the 7.5 mile passenger port of Norddeich.  The mission will be to deliver goods to the recipients. From this place, the local courier service will be delivering the goods to the recipient.

But the latest news related to drones says that the Federal Aviation Administration or the FAA has given permission this Thursday for the commercial drones in the United States. The FAA has allowed six movie companies to fly the drones. The permission has been granted for movies as well as for Television shows.

The FAA has already given approval for commercial drones in Arctic areas, for the purpose of checking the ocean wildlife and oil pipelines. Drones can be of great help to movie makers, as it can fly at low altitudes and will be able to replace the choppers that are too risky during filming. These drones meant for filming, will be flying in closed sets. Moreover, they will be moving around right in front of the person operating it. This will be making a great change in the film industry. Hollywood would soon be seen shooting movies with the help of drones.

As per FAA administrator Michael Huerta, these drones will not be allowed to fly more than 400 feet. So I must say that the dangers of drones reaching out to the aircrafts or birds are pretty lesser. Hollywood is now waiting for the drones to enter the movie sets and give the industry a whole lot of benefits. The prime benefit of drones is to replace the helicopters from the shooting spots, as they tend to cause a whole lot of danger to the people around. It is expected that the restrictions put on drones will be soon relaxed and that more number of companies would be coming up with drones for making their work easier.